Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I have had an epiphany week. Afterward, it makes perfect sense, but in the middle of the craziness I was a mess. I have realized that things aren't going to be perfect with our semi-large family. We are by no means Duggar-sized...yet (joking), but there are still lots of people in our house.

I have realized that sweet evenings spent singing Christmas carols, reading advent devotions, and making Jessee Tree ornaments look more like strawberry applesauce flying all over the stack of ornaments, Kyle eating crayons, a cloud of glitter, and someone almost always crying.
(Abraham Ornaments)

I have also realized the we are going to be late for everything no matter how early we try to leave. Sometimes we are going to be so late we miss the activity altogether. Most Sunday mornings Kyle will end up going to church in his pj's, Carter will wear 2 left shoes (one his, the other Cole's), Kate will never let me put a bow in her hair again and insist on a "down-ponytail" every week, and we will always be at least 5 minutes late for Sunday School.

My day will never ever go like I planned it. Carter will dump out an entire bottle of glitter right before we walk out the door. I will probably step in pee every time I walk into the bathroom. And, our school books will inevitably fall behind the couch and the hubby will decide we need to vacuum under the furniture in the middle of school.

So what's the epiphany? So, as my husband says, we are going to be JESUS HIPPIES. I am going to cast my cares on the One who has the patience to handle them all and just LOVE my husband and these precious babies.

At the end of the day, my kids aren't going to remember how late we were. They will remember my attitude toward them. Well, maybe they will remember both, but I know my attitude will determine how loved they feel.  If we are still doing school at 8pm, so be it. Even if Cole opens the bathroom closet and yells, "Mom there is a WALL of LAUNDRY in here!" the world won't end. I may have to toss a few shirts because of mildew, oh well. I am going to take the stress of the day as it comes, even if we have to eat Ramen Noodles for supper.

I am  planning to make next week better. I sure hope my plans work better!

p.s. Glitter is still the spawn of Satan.

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