Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I have a dirty little secret...

Actually it's a big dirty secret. Are you ready?
Add in two more loads to fold and 6 more to wash! And...I washed a goodnight this evening...
FANTABULOUS...sigh. Now my washer smells like pee and is full of salt waiting for the delay sanitary wash about 5 am. Did I mention I have 6 more loads to wash?

A friend stopped by today and I think we just stared at each other and wallowed in our exhaustion. We are in the same place - 4 kids that are relatively the same age. Why one of us didn't take the kids and let the other take a 5 minute nap I'm not sure. Maybe it's because we were afraid one baby or the other would cry. Anyway, overwhelmed would be an understatement at this point. 

So instead of crying, which I could easily do, I am going to choose JOY. (That might have been something Joyce Meyers said. I honestly can't remember so I hope she doesn't sue.) I am going to choose joy because my children have clothes, because I have a washing machine, and because I am able to stay home and TRY to wash them. I am going to choose joy because my child is healthy enough to pee in a goodnight and...put...it...in...the...laundry basket. I am going to choose joy because even if none if these things were true for me that God is still good, that He is still God, and I know somehow He is using even this huge pile of laundry to work through me. 

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